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SiteRM Frontend runs an httpd server and servers html website. You can access it via https://:. It is the same url as defined inside SiteRM configuration general->webdomain.

Frontend allows you to view and interact with SiteRM, e.g.:

  • View topology;
  • View Frontend and Agent Configurations;
  • Reload Configuration for frontend or Agent
  • Delete host from SiteRM Frontend;
  • View state of all Services running (on FE and Agents)
  • View latest models and deltas;
  • Request and view debug action’s, like rapid ping, tcpdump, arptable, iperf.

Additionally, all SiteRMs are monitored by Prometheus and Grafana under AUTOGOLE. It can alert you once services are failing or if there are any issues with your SiteRM. It can be accessed here: https://autogole-grafana.nrp-nautilus.io (Requires github authentication - please contact SENSE team to add your git username). Slack Alerts are also sent by Grafana once failure, fix occurs. Please join Slack Workspace “Autogole Alarms” https://autogolealarms.slack.com Please join at least the channel for your domain, and address problems identified in the alerts as soon as possible. This is a free version of Slack, so messages only visible for last 90 days

Channel Organizations:

  • one channel for each Sit-RM Domain
  • one channel for each NSI Domain
  • channel for all_nsi_endpoints
  • channel for all_siterm_endpoints

Configuration reload

SiteRM by default reloads configuration every hour if there is a configuration change. SiteRM Frontend and Agent can be reloade manually via Frontend. This is useful when you want to apply new configuration to Frontend or Agent faster than the cycle of automated refresh. This can be done under Frontend Configuration section on the WEB UI.

Delete host from SiteRM Frontend

SiteRM Frontend allows you to delete host from SiteRM Frontend. This is useful when you want to remove host from SiteRM Frontend, but keep it in the network. This can be done under Frontend Configuration section on the WEB UI.

Ansible tester and cleaner

To test that ansible plugin is working correctly, you can run the following command:

  • Enter your FE docker/Kubernetes pod container and run the following command: siterm-ansible-runner. It has the following options:
    • -h, –help show this help message and exit
    • –printports Run ansible and print ports for rm-configs.
    • –dumpconfig Run ansible and dump configuration received from ansible.
    • –cleanswitch Run ansible and print commands to clean switch.
    • –fulldebug Run ansible with full debug output.

Network devices debugging

In case you want to debug and see all actions performed on your network devices, you can use the following commands:

  • Enter your FE docker/Kubernetes pod container and go to this directory cd /opt/siterm/config/ansible/sense
  • Run python3 test-runner.py to see all actions performed on your network devices (this runs in a full debug mode, and can be very verbose)

In case of issue with a Service

  • Look at the logs of the service. You can access logs via /var/log/siterm-site-fe/<Service>/api.log or /var/log/siterm-site-agent/<Service>/api.log
  • In case of unknown issue, please create a ticket here
  • We might ask you to provide us with the full logs of the service. You can do this by running siterm-log-archiver on the host where the service is running. This will create a tarball with all logs of the service. Please provide us with this tarball privately (DO NOT UPLOAD TARBALL TO GITHUB)

Host cleaner

In case you want to remove all configurations from the host, you can use the following command:

  • Enter your FE docker/Kubernetes pod container and run the following command: siterm-agent-cleaner. It will print all commands to clean all SENSE configurations on the host. Script will not execute any commands, it will only print them.

Debug actions

SiteRM Frontend allows you to request debug actions, like rapid ping, tcpdump, arptable, iperf. This can be done under Debug Actions section on the WEB UI. Description of each action is provided below.

Rapid Ping

Rapid ping - very similar to Flood ping implemented in FreeBSD. where a minimum of 100 packets are sent in one second or as soon as a reply to the request has come. It will execute the following command on selected hostname: ping -i <interval> -w <runtime> <ip> -s <packetsize> -I <Interface>


This call will use PyShark, Python wrapper for tshark, allowing python packet parsing using wireshark dissectors. It will capture all packets going via interface for max 30seconds or first 100 packets (whichever comes first).

ARP Table

The ip neigh command manipulates neighbour objects that establish bindings between protocol addresses and link layer addresses for hosts sharing the same link. Neighbour entries are organized into tables. The IPv4 neighbour table is also known by another name - the ARP table. The corresponding commands display neighbour bindings and their properties.

Iperf Client

iPerf3 is a tool for active measurements of the maximum achievable bandwidth on IP networks. It supports tuning of various parameters related to timing, buffers and protocols (TCP, UDP, SCTP with IPv4 and IPv6). For each test it reports the bandwidth, loss, and other parameters. It will execute the following command: iperf3 -c <ip> -p <port> -B <interface> -t <time>

Iperf Server

iPerf3 is a tool for active measurements of the maximum achievable bandwidth on IP networks. It supports tuning of various parameters related to timing, buffers and protocols (TCP, UDP, SCTP with IPv4 and IPv6). For each test it reports the bandwidth, loss, and other parameters. It will execute the following command: timeout <seconds> iperf3 --server -p <port> -B <ip> <one-off>

Monitoring inside Autogole

All SiteRMs are monitored by Prometheus and Grafana under AUTOGOLE. It can alert you once services are failing or if there are any issues with your SiteRM. It can be accessed here: https://autogole-grafana.nrp-nautilus.io (Requires github or SENSE-O authentication - please contact SENSE team to add your git username). Slack Alerts are also sent by Grafana once failure, fix occurs. In case of a new FE or Agent, please contact SENSE team to add it to the monitoring system. Admin with full privileges (https://github.com/sdn-sense/autogole-monitoring) can force resync of the monitoring endpoints and push it prometheus.

Custom Monitorings

In case you want to add custom monitoring, please contact SENSE team. We can add custom monitoring to the monitoring system. For example right now there are few which we are monitoring:

  • NSI SNMPMonitor - monitors NSI Domains. This includes ESnet Startdust wrapper, Internet2 OESS wrapper, and CENIC SNMP V3.
  • XrootD Node Exporter - SiteRM monitors node level endpoint, but sometimes for pods you might want to monitor xrootd service. This is done by adding node exporter in your xrootd pod and updating configuration.
  • All custom configs are added manually here: https://github.com/sdn-sense/autogole-monitoring/blob/main/scripts/default-prometheus-config.yml