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General information

Site resource manager require several Services (Frontend and Agent). 

  • Frontend is responsible for: communication with Orchestrator(s), Accept deltas, Prepare Model, Control switches on LAN, Get all configuration from all DTNs/Agents. Minimum one Frontend is needed for a single domain.
  • Agent is responsible for: gathering DTN Information, creating vlan interfaces, applying QOS.

Please consult individual cases with the SENSE team before deploying: sense-all@googlegroups.com or create an issue at here with the title “[NEW Site] …“

In case have issues with any SENSE SiteRM Software, please create a ticket here or send an email to sense-all@googlegroups.com

Before start

Supported architectures: amd64/x86_64 and ppc64le (beta).

Frontend: Each site requires 1 Frontend.

  • Installation type supported: Docker or Kubernetes
  • Certificates: Frontend requires cert, key certificates for its services. (Let’s encrypt/Incommon)
  • Networking: Frontend requires some ports open (Can be limited to a specific list of nodes, the list below):
    • sense-o.es.net - Production Orchestrator. (Port 8080, 8443)
    • sense-o-dev.es.net - Development Orchestrator. (Port 8080, 8443)
    • k8s-igrok-0[12345678].calit2.optiputer.net (,[0123456]) - SENSE Monitoring and Alarming service. (Port 8080, 8443, 9100)
    • Local Agents - Any Agent you deploy will need access Frontend.

Agent: Runs on each DTN you want SENSE to control, monitor. It will register and communicate with Frontend for control, monitoring.

  • Installation type supported: Docker or Kubernetes
  • Certificate: The agent requires a host certificate and key pair. (Let’s encrypt/Incommon)
  • Networking: No ports open needed (see exception below for monitoring)
  • Monitoring: SENSE Uses Prometheus and node_exporter to monitor all DTN deployments. If you want your DTN to be monitored and alerted - please ensure you have node_exporter installed and the port open.

SiteRM-Frontend and SiteRM-Agent configuration

SiteRM-FE and SiteRM-Agent Configuration files are kept on GitHub repo here. Each SiteRM Service (Frontend/Agent) pull from Github repo configuration files once an hour and use the latest configuration. Please refer to this link for Frontend and Agent configuration and it’s parameters, examples.

SiteRM-FE Installation First time (Kubernetes cluster with Helm)

  • Prerequisites:
    • Make sure you have Kubernetes cluster installed. You will need to have Kubernetes config and know namespace you want to use for deployment.
    • Configuration files are present in Git Repo for your Site (Take a note of SiteName and MD5 Hash). MD5 is optional - and if not specified, SiteRM will use md5(hostname) by default
    • You have Certificate, Key available and valid (or you can use HELM Chart Certificate section if have cert-manager available).
  • Get the following override values file: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/sdn-sense/helm-siterm-fe/main/values.yaml
  • Modify the downloaded file and specify the SiteName and MD5 parameters for that Specific Frontend and or any other parameters needed, e.g. Certificate Issuer details.
  • If done first time, install helm repo: helm repo add siterm-fe https://sdn-sense.github.io/helm-siterm-fe
  • Update to latest helm repo charts: helm repo update
  • Install the helm chart on your Kubernetes cluster: helm install siterm-fe siterm-fe/siterm-fe -f values.yaml

SiteRM-FE Upgrade (Using Kubernetes with Helm)

  • Please look for any changes required to support new release here: https://github.com/sdn-sense/siterm/releases
  • Update to latest helm repo charts: helm repo update
  • Modify the values.yaml file with new parameters or changes as per new release. (if needed)
  • Upgrade the helm chart on your Kubernetes cluster: helm install siterm-fe siterm-fe/siterm-fe -f values.yaml

SiteRM-Agent Installation (Kubernetes cluster with Helm)

  • Prerequisites:
    • Make sure you have Kubernetes cluster installed. You will need to have Kubernetes config and namespace you want to use.
    • Configuration files are present in Git Repo for your Site (Take a note of SiteName and MD5 Hash). MD5 is optional - and if not specified, SiteRM will use md5(hostname) by default
    • You have Certificate, Key generated or if you have Issuer/ClusterIssuer on your Kubernetes cluster, you can use HELM to generate new certificates
  • Get the following override values file: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/sdn-sense/helm-siterm-agent/main/values.yaml
  • Modify the downloaded file and specify the SiteName and MD5 parameters for that Specific Agent/DTN and or any other parameters needed, e.g. Certificate Issuer details.
  • If done first time, install helm repo: helm repo add siterm-agent https://sdn-sense.github.io/helm-siterm-agent
  • Update to latest helm repo charts: helm repo update
  • Install the helm chart on your Kubernetes cluster: helm install siterm-agent siterm-agent/siterm-agent -f values.yaml

SiteRM-Agent Upgrade (Using Kubernetes cluster with Helm)

  • Please look for any changes required to support new release here: https://github.com/sdn-sense/siterm/releases
  • Update to latest helm repo charts: helm repo update
  • Modify the values.yaml file with new parameters or changes as per new release. (if needed)
  • Upgrade the helm chart on your Kubernetes cluster: helm install siterm-agent siterm-agent/siterm-agent -f values.yaml

DTNs Monitoring (to be run in parallel with SiteRM-Agent)

The node_exporter from Prometheus is designed to monitor the host system. If you start container for host monitoring, specify path.rootfs argument. This argument must match path in bind-mount of host root. The node_exporter will use path.rootfs as prefix to access host filesystem. There are several ways to allow SENSE team monitor DTNs: